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Generative Art

2023 December





An interactive project that allows users to change the saturation and direction of “lines” drawn on a p5 canvas. 

Instead of consistently trying to give meaning to a piece of artwork, this project hopes to center audiences' attention on creating artwork by giving them control over the brightness/saturation and angles of lines drawn on the canvas.

We also consider this project an opportunity to explore Marshall McLuhan's idea of "the medium is the message" further. Technological advancements in recent decades have brought changes in many realms; with new inventions and experiments, the art world seems to be making room for a different sphere and fresh rules. Technology in art has and will continue to challenge conventional views on how art should be created, what can be considered art, and what qualifies originality in art. Our project calls audiences to look into these concepts/questions as they reflect on whether or not they can be considered authors of their P5 artwork and whether, by changing the brightness/angle of the lines, new works are being created. We hope our decision to use technology as the medium to create and present artwork will leave new questions and discussions for our audiences.

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